Free Creative Writing Circle
Wednesday February 19th 6 PM EST on Zoom
Only sign up if you can be there!
And please make a note in whatever calendar you use, there will be another email from me as time get’s closer that will include the Zoom link.
This is be a free space and for the first session we'll be doing a little trial and error to see what works best.
My thought process with all of this was bringing community together to keep each other inspired, accountable and focused.
This space can be for writing quite literally whatever you want, I've always enjoyed writing, but it wasn't until 2018 when I started creating content for my business that I started sharing my writing with the online space. And a lot of that writing was poetry form, short little excerpts created from what I was journaling about in my life or longer captions about spirituality.
But you can also come to the space and write an entire novel, you can write long blog posts, you can just simply "word vomit" (if you're part of our integration community you know what I mean) and just get your thoughts and emotions out onto paper.
5 minutes of grounding, 20-30 minutes of quiet time for everyone to be focused on their writing, and then open 15-20 minutes if people would like feedback on their pieces, are seeking inspiration or simply just want to share without receiving feedback.
And if you're deep in it, you don't need to stick around for the sharing portion you can leave.
Wednesday February 19th 6 PM EST on Zoom
Only sign up if you can be there!
And please make a note in whatever calendar you use, there will be another email from me as time get’s closer that will include the Zoom link.
This is be a free space and for the first session we'll be doing a little trial and error to see what works best.
My thought process with all of this was bringing community together to keep each other inspired, accountable and focused.
This space can be for writing quite literally whatever you want, I've always enjoyed writing, but it wasn't until 2018 when I started creating content for my business that I started sharing my writing with the online space. And a lot of that writing was poetry form, short little excerpts created from what I was journaling about in my life or longer captions about spirituality.
But you can also come to the space and write an entire novel, you can write long blog posts, you can just simply "word vomit" (if you're part of our integration community you know what I mean) and just get your thoughts and emotions out onto paper.
5 minutes of grounding, 20-30 minutes of quiet time for everyone to be focused on their writing, and then open 15-20 minutes if people would like feedback on their pieces, are seeking inspiration or simply just want to share without receiving feedback.
And if you're deep in it, you don't need to stick around for the sharing portion you can leave.
Wednesday February 19th 6 PM EST on Zoom
Only sign up if you can be there!
And please make a note in whatever calendar you use, there will be another email from me as time get’s closer that will include the Zoom link.
This is be a free space and for the first session we'll be doing a little trial and error to see what works best.
My thought process with all of this was bringing community together to keep each other inspired, accountable and focused.
This space can be for writing quite literally whatever you want, I've always enjoyed writing, but it wasn't until 2018 when I started creating content for my business that I started sharing my writing with the online space. And a lot of that writing was poetry form, short little excerpts created from what I was journaling about in my life or longer captions about spirituality.
But you can also come to the space and write an entire novel, you can write long blog posts, you can just simply "word vomit" (if you're part of our integration community you know what I mean) and just get your thoughts and emotions out onto paper.
5 minutes of grounding, 20-30 minutes of quiet time for everyone to be focused on their writing, and then open 15-20 minutes if people would like feedback on their pieces, are seeking inspiration or simply just want to share without receiving feedback.
And if you're deep in it, you don't need to stick around for the sharing portion you can leave.